Zombie Horde - An Urban Dead Experience

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Infection (6)

Word on the zombie grapevine is that NecroTech scientists have discovered some nasty pathogen lurks within a zombie host. Providing a human with a nasty hickey can spread the pestilence to the human population. Interested in seeing how effective this practice would be, we embarked on yet another assault on Herbert Road Police Station (they must be getting really tired of waking up and find a lot of dead bodies scattered around ...)

Initial scouts located Zroke and Barbeq loitering around in the open several blocks away; these individuals were taken out before they could scream for assistance.

The assault on the police station was immaculate in its execution. It took a solitary zombie to knock down the "very strongly" barricaded doors. Inside we arbitrarily targetted (and slaughtered) Pvt Dead, Gus Crombie, killertouch and Masked Avenger.

With our initial blood lust sated, our last zombie cut loose with his fangs in an attempt to infect as many remaining humans as possible. At the end of the orgy of biting, our leader had managed to infect over half of the survivors (kenluan, Nikemorya, fireman hugh, TheGoon, coppertop, Nimbus, edd not dead yet, Quip, Faust2, FreakBeen (who appears to have been revivified since our last encounter), Pumpkin King and Nixlo were all successfully given the pathogen to play with over the coming days.)

I wonder how many medics are in the house? ...


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