Zombie Horde - An Urban Dead Experience

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Doddimeade Motel (6)

At least two of the horde reported in today that Flip McGraw had (once again) jabbed them with his DNA extractor. As such, today's operation will be to visit vengeance upon him (once again.)

We tracked him down to the Doddimeade Motel, but by the time we broke in, he had left the scene. Instead we savoured the meaty delights of Cleetus Jackdaw, Sylocheed, Snarfenja de Gottago, Dual Theta, Sivrel, and wonder boy.

The remaining operatives are currently scouring the area for this elusive foe as well as gathering intelligence for the hordes second wave (which due to time zone differences will be commencing their run shortly.)


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